About Rae Jessie

My Story

Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Rae Jessie has traveled the world.

It is no secret that yogis and mystics throughout the ages have found enlightenment, profound insights, and spiritual powers through yoga and meditation.


Early in life, Rae Jessie received a calling to pursue a higher path. Through a life-long devotion to yoga and meditation she has sought and found ways to open channels of intuition, insight, and healing.

She is an Intuitive Medium and an Ordained Minister. 

As an ordained minister, Reverend Rae Jessie not only provides Intuitive Consultations and Healing Sessions, she teaches classes, gives talks and conducts ministerial services such as infant blessings and weddings.



What do they say?

Many thanks Rae Jessie, your intuitive insights helped me to achieve clarity on issues (psychic and practical) related to the transition of my mother.  I left each session feeling uplifted and in possession of strategies to use moving forward that proved to be very effective. You are truly a kind and gifted medium.


Peter F.

I LOVE Rae Jessie! 

I have referred everyone I know to her. I have gifted sessions with her, and have witnessed the positive results in others. All go to her have the same response: Wow…..just Wow!

Rae Jessie is a ray of light upon humanity.  Her personal vibration is high, and simply being in her presence raises the vibration of others. As a reader, she is tuned in to greater presence; information is clear and precise, offering both broad and specific details of life, and importantly – speaking directly into the heart and soul  of her clients. I can’t recommend her more highly. Give yourself the gift of her gentle, loving guidance. You will be well served.


Rae Jessie, through her intuition, mediumship, and use of cards was able to provide my wife with constructive steps to take to assist her through a long running, personal problem.  My wife was able to put these ideas into action. The problem began to change in nature and was resolved shortly after the actions were taken. I’m very impressed with the practical nature of the advice provided.  It was not esoteric to translate the reading information into actions that provided connection and relief. I trust in Rae Jessie’s abilities and compassionate nature and would seek her counsel again.

Arlene F.